Ground floor 500ft² (46.4m²)
Basement 100ft² (9.3m²)
LOCATION: The property is situated on the east side of Wimbledon Park Road and is situated close to the main junction with Wimbledon Park Road and Augustus Road. Wimbledon Park Road is a popular destination within the heart of Southfields with numerous well known occupiers including Caffe Nero, Sainsbury's Local, Tesco Express, Greggs as well as numerous independent retails, restaurants and bars as Wimbledon Tennis Courts. Public transport is available from Southfields District line underground station.
DESCRIPTION: The property comprises a prominent double fronted Class A1 Use unit arranged over ground floor and basement. The ground floor has an open plan sales area with a rear kitchen with the basement having storage and WC/washrooms. The unit is currently operating as a handmade chocolate shope and is in excellent decorative condition.
ACCOMMODATION: The property comprises the following approximate areas and dimensions:-
Internal width (front) 33'7" (10.2m)
Shop depth (max) 29'2" ( 8.9m)
Ground floor area 500ft² (46.4m²)
Basement 100ft² ( 9.3m²)
TENURE: The property is available on an effective full repairing lease for a term of 10 years from 24/4/2018, contracted inside the security of tenure & compensation provisions of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 (as amended). There is a tenant break option on the 5th anniversary of the term. The lease is in the name of a limited company and the landlords are holding a deposit of £7,750. The current rent is £31,000 pax.
BUSINESS RATES: London Borough of Merton
Rateable Value (2017 list): £22,000
LEGAL COSTS: The ingoing tenant to be responsible for both parties reasonable legal costs, to include the landlords Licence to Assign costs.
VIEWING: Strictly by appointment through Sole Agents:
BELLS COMMERCIAL 020 7228 4405 Ref: SC